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Clinical Activities: Using the Activity Grouping Feature

The Grouping feature allows the lead instructor to create an Activity for clinical and then add subgroups for each clinical group/instructor. This will make it streamlined and efficient for lead instructors to make sure that all students have the same activity/instructions, with out building multiple courses and activities.

Let’s see how this will work.

1. Go to Course List.

2. Click the Go to Course link for the specific course.

3. The Activities and Grading window opens. Click Create New Activity.

The Create New Activity window opens.


4. Select the Group Activity by clicking in the checkbox.

5. In the Patient Type field select Clinical Patient. Each student will receive a private copy of a blank chart.

6. Continue to add the information for the activity and then save. Remember that you can add a rubric within the Rubric Template field and it will appear when the instructors are grading each student's work.

The New activity will appear in the activity list with a plus sign next to the activity name.


7. Click the Plus sign to see the first group that was added automatically.

8. Click the New Group link to the right of the activity to add a new group for each of your clinical instructors/groups. (To see each added group, you will need to click the blue plus sign.)

After clicking the Blue Plus sign next to the activity, you will see a list of all added groups.


9. Click the Edit Group link.

The Edit Group window opens.


10. Change group name, add due dates, dates visible and group members as desired.

  • Activity Name- Enter a name that will help you remember the purpose of the activity (i.e. Name of instructor, Days)
  • Visible to Student- If this box is checked the activity will be visible and available to your students when they go to the Course page for the course containing the activity.
    *Notice that you can also make the activity scheduled to be visible at a specific date and time.
  • Due Date- Enter a due date and time for students if applicable.
  • Do not allow student charting after due date- Select this check box if you do not want the students to be able to open the chart after the due date/time. If the instructor wants the students to review and fix their original work the instructor must come back and uncheck this box.







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