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Grading Student Work

Students' work is visible to any instructor who has access to that particular course, immediately after the student submits his/her charting.

When can students submit new work? 

Students can submit work within an activity as long as that activity is visible to students and has not been blocked for edits after the due date. Both of these settings can be made when creating the activity in a course or by clicking Edit Activity for an existing activity.

After you complete grading, students can make additional edits in the system unless you set the activity to no longer be visible, or until after the due date happens and you've clicked the box for "Do not allow student charting after due date". See our Activities help section for more information. 


You can also make activities Visible or Not Visible on the Activity and Grading List.


Can I use a Rubric when grading?

Rubrics can be added when creating an activity. 

Go to your course.

Click the Create New Activity button.

Add the information for the new activity and copy your rubric into the Rubric Template field.

When an instructor grades student work, the rubric will automatically appear in the grading comment field and allow grading data to be added.

Where can I find and grade students' work? 

To grade students' work, go to the Course List tab on the left hand side of your page.

The Course list will open.

From the Course list, select the Go to Course to the Right of the desired course.

The Activity List opens.

The Activity List for the course opens. 

Click Grade Charting to the right of the activity or group you'd like to grade. 

The next screen will show any students who have opened and/or submitted work for grading. (Note the option that allows you to change the visibility from this screen. This allows you to hide the activity while grading and when you have finished grading every student's chart, you can then make the activity visible, so that all students see grades at the same time.)

Click View & Grade Charting next to the student's name who you'd like to review. If you have a large list of students, use the Search box to find the correct student. 

The Last Updated column will display the date and time the student last edited or submitted charting, which is a great way to see if students' completed work on time or made any recent changes. 

When grading a student's work, you'll see yellow highlights on the left hand navigation list that will direct your attention to any field the student edited.

You can enter both a grade and a comment in the blue grading box at the top of the screen. Both fields allow for free form text. If a rubric was added to the activity by the activity creator, you will see that in the grading box. The grading box will remain at the top of the page.

There are two buttons at the top of the blue grading box: Show Instructions and Hide Grading. Show Instructions will allow you to review any instructions that were visible to students when they were shown the activity. The Hide Grading option will minimize the grading and comments box, so you can easily view the whole chart. If you would like to reopen the grading box, you can do so at anytime and continue grading/commenting where you left off. 

After you complete grading and/or commenting on the student's work, make sure to press the Save Changes button to save the student's work.  A pop-up box will appear if you neglect to save the student's work before leaving the page.  

When you click Return to Student Charting, you'll be taken back to the main grading page. You'll now see updated grades and comments for all students.  

Can I export student charting? 

If you would like to export student charting, you can do so by clicking on the Export to CSV button within any activity. You can only export grades and comments one activity at a a time. 



How will students see grading?

Students will immediately see any grades and comments saved to their activities. A student will never see another students grade or comment. The grade and comment will show up right on their home page as shown below: 

Students can also click on the patient to open the chart and review the grade as well as their previously entered charting.


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    Pamela Ortiz

    Is there anyway to see when a grade was entered and if it had been changed?

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