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Admin Guide

EHR Tutor Admin Accounts allow for managing all User Accounts and Courses at your school.

Please email if you'd like an Admin account.  

Admin functionality can be found by clicking on the School button.



School Users

School Users allows you to manage Student, Teacher, and Admin Accounts at your school.

Specifically, you'll be able to Invite, Remove, and Edit User Accounts.



1) Add Students / Teachers / Admins

You can invite Users to any of the three Roles available.  Users can also be upgraded from one Role to another by inviting their email address to the new Role.  That is, existing Teachers can be upgraded to Admins---just make sure to use the same email on their existing EHR Tutor account to prevent duplicates.  

Press either of the Add Users buttons to Invite Users.


Students can activate their accounts based on your School's Billing:

  • School Pay - Students can login with the email you provided and begin using their accounts as long as a valid Program was applied.
  • Student Pay - Students can purchase access Online or through the Bookstore, depending on your School's preferences.  

    Note: Please make sure to have students use the emails you provided to prevent the creation of duplicate accounts.

If you upload a spreadsheet, you'll see the following page.  Please use the dropdowns on each column to select the appropriate user information (First name, Last name, email, etc.)

You could also add your Students Unique User ID if you are integrating with your LMS system, simple add that information as a 4th column.  


2) Type of User to View

  • Current Users: View only Users who have Active Licenses (paid Student accounts.)   
  • All Users: Displays All Users.
  • Unlicensed Users: View Users with Expired Licenses.

3) Edit / Remove Users

  • Edit Users: You are able to view and edit User information, including:
    • Name
    • Email
    • Initials
    • Password Reset: Create a One Time Password to Reset a User's Account.  You will need to manually email or provide this password to the user.
    • Purchases: You can only View purchases.  
    • Schools: Remove Users from your School.  ie, For Faculty that have resigned.  If you removed a User by Accident, you can always Invite them back to your School from the Add User Page.
    • Courses: Remove Users from Courses
    • Roles: Revoke Roles, such as Teacher or Admin Permissions from Users.
  • Remove Users: You can Remove Users from your School.


Course List

Course IDs are a unique number that you can assign to any of your Courses to help identify them.

  • Upload Courses: Allows you to upload a spreadsheet with Course IDs, Course Names, and Course Descriptions (optional) in 3 separate columns.

  • Batch Assign Students / Teachers for Courses: Upload a spreadsheet with 2 columns: Course ID and Student / Teacher's Emails to Assign them to a Course.
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